Wednesday 19 November 2014

Time Taken for Hair to Grow After Transplant

Hair transplants are the way to go for people with hair loss. It is the best way to regain your charm and charisma of old. If the loss of hair has caused any confidence damage, it surely will help in regaining it. It’s time to take this all important step and get a transplant.
There are some important bits of information to be aware of regarding the growth of new hair. Some people call it a catch but the new hair after a transplant do not come out overnight. It is a process and like all processes, one has to wait patiently. Generally the hair appear worse a couple of months after a transplant due to shock loss before they start looking fantastic.
Generally it is around a year for the new hair to fully grow but it can vary in different individuals. There are certain aspects that one needs to understand as to why this time is taken.

Shedding and Shock Loss
After the surgery, the new hair along with some older ones are lost. The new hair are lost as a part of the routine and it is nothing out of the ordinary. This is known as shedding and generally takes place in the first couple of months of the procedure. They make way for the new hair that are stronger hair that are permanent in nature. 
Shock loss is caused by the trauma the scalp goes through due to the transplant. In shock loss, some healthy hair follicles are lost temporarily a few weeks after the procedure has been done. These regrow in a few months’ time with the exception of miniaturized follicles that were unhealthy and do not grow back.

Early Hair Growth
Early hair growth starts generally three months after the transplant. Small hair start to show in some of the areas. At times these cause itching which can be a little annoying.

Total Hair Growth
The general time period required for the growth of new hair is about 12 months though at times it can take as much as 18 months. After this period, the new hair start looking completely natural and there are no signs of the earlier hair loss. You can have any hairstyle of your liking.  

To get more information about this and other aspects of hair transplant surgery in Dubai, pay us a visit at the Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai  at Dubai Cosmetic Surgery or set up a free online consultation by filling in the form below.